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Quality Over Quantity


The weather here in Savannah has been a little kooky lately. Just this week alone we've had lows in the 20s but some highs in the 60s and today a few minutes of snow flurries! Though the weather may be unpredictable the training must go on! With our first show coming up at the end of February, I am focusing on pieces of upcoming tests and preserving the quality of William’s gaits in tense moments or hard movements.

On Friday, I had the opportunity to ride with USDF Gold Medalist, Greta Wrigley, at a client’s farm only about 45 minutes from Gallifrey. I wasn’t sure what to expect but was excited because she is a successful trainer who found a breed that she was passionate about (Arabians) and earned all of her USDF medals on them. This resonated with me as I want to get all of my medals on my breed of choice, the draft cross.

She was so nice and had a great eye for the details needed to help us score well for our Silver. We schooled our changes, that blasted medium trot-collected trot-medium trot, and the quality of the “very collected canter” all seen at Fourth Level and even played around with some half steps. I really enjoyed it and felt I got some great homework out of it. I told her I plan on riding with her when she comes back again, it will be so nice to have help in between rides with Felicitas..

Hagrid has been on and off, first off with a kick from a field mate then the attack of the scratches (an equine form of dermatitis) from all the cold hosing. Darn those Friesian feathers! It was only about a week before we could go back to work so in the mean time I worked on his manners for the farrier, tracked down his pedigree history and getting him registered with the DCBOA. When it was time to put the big guy back to work, after a joyful first day back he was right on task. He has been getting easier and easier to lunge, requiring less of a whip person (Mikki was running after him to keep him going there for a while!). However, just like with any thing new the laziness comes back when I get on. I think this too shall pass and he’ll get braver and more confident that he can truly “trot on” with someone on his back. Patience will pay off, I just have to keep reminding myself of that!

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