What a fantastic 2015 I've had. I cannot even believe what Sir William and I have accomplished in our first show season in Region 3. I am so thankful for the recognition we have receieved and look forward to the hard work needed for our Silver Medal. We have already started schooling PSG and polishing up the 4th level work but with any horse not naturally bred to sit and push we have a long road ahead before it gets easier.
Thank you William - you make my heart sing and dance. I love you my greatest partner!
Today is not only time to reflect upon what has passed but what I look forward to in 2016. As well as earning scores towards my USDF Silver Medal, my 2016 goals include simple things. Building a permenant dressage ring at Gallifrey, take my awesome clients to some super fun shows, find a working student whome we all love and maybe even take Hagrid to his first show.
Speaking of Hagrid! Oh, has he been such a goofy joy to be around! He enjoyed a few days off while I visited family for the Christmas holiday but when I returned to work he acted like we hadn't missed a beat.
My lovely County Saddlery rep, Cindy, was able to make a County Connection I had sitting around work well for my big baby and I feel it's made a big difference in his comfort. I am a huge believer that saddle fit makes life so much easier for our horses. Cheaper is NOT better and in some cases neither is just off the rack. I'm so happy to have found County and I just know when the time comes we'll make Hagrid a gorgeous saddle all his own.
Now that his saddle fits we have been working with a better connection into the side reins! (Hey, I'm sure it has helped!). I attribute a lot of the quality work to the fact that I have been able to focus on positioning his body more straight using a shoulder fore feeling on the lunge line. I can only do this if I can watch his neck and body and my assistant, Caitlyn, drives him into every thing I'm doing. He's so big and a little on the lazy side right now so it's very hard for me to accomplish both at once. If you listen carefully you can hear me teaching Caitlyn what she is to look for and how to address it. You can also see some fabulous glimpses of a pushing trot with a little bit of swing! It is enough to keep my heart a-flutter!
As I wind down the night with my closest friends and family, I wish you all the best end to your 2015. Be safe, be well and get your butts in the saddle tomorrow!