I sincerely hope everyone reading this had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving (and Black Friday) this year. It was a welcome break for me to take a few days and get a lot of the little things I had been wanting to finish or fix completed. With this quiet end to the week, it afforded me plenty of time to reflect upon my life, business and the people in it that help to make it possible (and worth it).

My Husband
My hubs was able to get leave and come home for the holiday. Spending the time with him whether it’s cleaning stalls or fixing fence for the third time that day (Urbana, you know I’m talking about YOU!) makes me so very happy. He is a constant flow of support and a positive influence on how I look at myself as an athlete, competitor and teacher. I am thankful to have a wonderful partner who loves what I do as much as me, a partner who believes in me.
My Mother
Really the only other “horsey” person in my family who, from the start of my riding, has sacrificed a lot so I can keep following my passion. Still, today, she helps me with advice, kind supportive words or even down right bluntness that pulls me out of a tailspin and a lesson here and there with my trainer.

Gallifrey Farm
I am so thankful that the risk of buying a piece of land in another state that only had a large garage with an attached apartment has turned out well! When I made the decision to strike off on my own it was scary as heck but I had lots of people tell me it was time to try. I am glad they did. In less than 2 years I have had a steady waiting list for training horses, steady flow of lesson students and some fabulous clients that I truly enjoy seeing regularly! Even now, as I am looking at a few open stalls in December, I’m putting on my positive face that things are still running smoothly and that it doesn’t mean things are falling apart. I am thankful for the incredible team of women that followed me here to help my dream thrive and continue to believe in our mission of a well trained horse and rider working together.

My Clients
I love you guys! Thankful isn’t even the word. Over-joyed, smitten, flabbergasted, appreciative, humbled! I am blessed to have such an amazing crop of students who trust me with their riding and their horses and trust in the process with patience and an open mind. I love hearing the feedback from you all and how your horses are going better than ever or you are riding with more confidence than you started with months ago. It makes my heart swell to hear from my students in North GA or South SC how well things are going and that you look forward to seeing me as much as I do you! You all give me the confidence to keep going forward with this little venture of mine! THANK YOU!
and finally… The Horses
They are the whole reason I am here. I am thankful for every horse that has come to my barn! 30 days, 90 days or over a year: whatever amount of time they have stayed I have learned so much from them (and their owners).
We all have our own blessings, people and things in our lives we for which we are thankful. I hope the rest of the holiday weekend keeps you happy and healthy and you get a chance to tell those you are thankful for just how much they mean to you!